Coronavirus: A Rant On What Is On Everyone's Minds

The last few days have really opened my eyes to the morals of people and witnessing how fear is the key factor in pushing anyone over the edge no matter how steel willed one is.

We went out for a routine grocery run a few days ago and was stunned at the volume at the grocery store, all the dried goods were pretty much wiped out and the toilet paper and cleaners were nonexistent. It was a complete nightmare and having St Patty's celebration falling right on top of this madness only makes stores so much worse. I was very upset as I couldn't find a tray of skinless chicken breast at three stores we tried, complete insanity. Everyone's carts were like mountains of canned goods and cleaners. We saw one guy's cart was filled with nothing but baked beans and soups. It's insane. Some people just need a few simple items to use for dinner and yet not being able to find anything because everyone is hogging up everything. So please stop. 

Theres another thing that people have been buying like toilet paper. That is portable freezers to store all the meat and foods they bought. That's good for the businesses but shows how people have lost all common sense and logic. 

One topic I wanted to touch briefly on was how hard sports fans took it when all sports games and parades have been cancelled until further notice. I know there's some hardcore sports fans out there and its understandable but it's not the end of the world. Take this extra time to stay home and be with family and think of other ways to have fun. It's all a matter of just getting over yourselves and worry about your own safety than about watching the games. 

A few days ago, I saw a piece of news that left a sour taste in my mouth. Apparently the Federal Reserve injected 1.5 trillion into markets to save the stocks and give investors a pease of mind. We are dealing with a worldwide pandemic and people are worried about their stocks? If you have enough money to invest in stocks, then you should have enough money to save yourself if the stocks collapsed completely. We don't want to help the poverty or lower the crime rates, or create more jobs, or help people who are in debt, but instead we want to protect rich people. I don't care about the economical impact - as bad as that is for me to say that but this is hard for me to comprehend. CPS was on strike for over a month fighting to get funding, Bernie Sanders has been pushing for healthcare for everyone for years, and the coronavirus has its jaws locked on us. That 1.5 trillion dollars could have served a much bigger purpose and we would have seen quicker results on other matters. But apparently, protecting assets of the rich are more important and come first above all else. Is this really the world we live in? 

This is a little off topic and I know a lot of people will probably disagree with me. However, I have to get this off my mind. Bernie Sanders has chosen to try again for the presidency and his morals and plans are not favored by a lot. I favor his ideals and morals. I think what he wants to do would be what we need to make a comeback and bring us to where we have to be. Healthcare for all is fearful to everyone and many claim it would just start chaos in hospitals across the nation. It may. It may not. We don't know that. Not everything can be determined by statistics. Canada has free healthcare. UK has free healthcare in certain places. They manage to get by on a daily basis. What's the problem? 

The problem is obvious in the country just that many choose to turn a blind eye to it and that is race and class will always be the wedge that exists in society. Everyone thinks they are privileged and have the right to have what they got. The dividers between the different levels of class only gets worse as time goes by. Everyone is walking around with their heads held high and refusing to share or wait longer than they have to for anything they go to. That's our problem. Patience is long gone. We've been too comfortable with how this country is run for way too long. We fear change and Bernie's change is extreme change all at once unfortunately. If we had politicians that actually support that and willing to back Bernie and be his backbone in the white house, this could actually succeed.

 It had been done before thousands of years ago during the Qin dynasty when a court officer announced he wanted to tear up the old systems by their roots and start fresh. It was a bloody time when that happened but sometimes you just need to be fearless and keep on pushing your ideals into effect no matter what and they succeeded. Unfortunately, we don't have that will or courage to do so. We fear change because we've been nursing in our own comfort zone for too long. 

All I know if when this is all over...this will be one hell of a story to tell to generations to come. We lock ourselves in our own prison called fear.
