The Three Woes We All Carry
I was actually going to write some blog posts on two books I currently read that left an unforgettable experience and mark on my memory but decided to hold off. Lately, I have been spinning in circles with life as I am sure many people have been. However, that’s common isn’t it? If life didn’t give you surprises and obstacles on a daily basis, then that’s not being truly alive is it? As humans, we are always racing against fleeting time and forget to take a step back and look at ourselves and where we are. What is fantasy and what is reality? The fantasized version our life is actually already given to us by society. We are supposed to have a happy family growing up. We are expected to attend at least 12 years of schooling after that we can choose to continue schooling or start working or attend trade school. Society expects us to be married by 27 or 28 years old, to have at least one kid before the high risk pregnancy period, to be good parents, to have a successful...