Something That Can Never Be Avoided

Something in life that no one can ever seem to avoid is gossip, drama, and the unavoidable judgement of other people regardless of how much a good job one does. Unfortunately, I feel that that is how we all are. Where there are people there will be gossip and drama. It's something that cannot be avoided. 

I have never understood why people liked to gossip so much. What business is it of others when they don't even know the person that well. Why do they choose to talk about people they don't even understand? Why would anyone want to try to hurt someone else with words and spread ill willed rumors? I understand that we may all be nosy and want to join in conversations about other people but what would you retell what you heard in your own twisted way to even more people? Why spread the word? 

What is the benefit of talking about others? What is the purpose of running someone's reputation that you don't know more than a fingernail about? Do you know what is going on in their lives? What gives you the right to talk ill about someone or about their ethnics? What gives you the right tattle and tell more people about what you heard about someone rather than respecting the privacy of others. 

How is it beneficial to you? If you ruined someone? If you push someone down, refusing them the opportunity to move up? What have they ever done to you for you to do such things to them? Do you not realize how much words and your intentions hurt the other person when you do such things?

Why can people never mind their own business? Spend all that excessive energy on bettering yourself and your life- and use less energy on trying to ruin someone and running your mouth off about someone else's business. Better yourself before anything because I am sure what goes around comes around, karma will come back to bite you. Someone will be badmouthing you one day and you'll be the victim. How will you feel after being the bully for so long and then falling victim to your own past acts? 

Reality sucks. Gossip and drama will be everywhere regardless where you go as long as there are people there will be talk. What matters is what you make of it. Whether you choose to be knocked down or turn a blind eye. What I can say is that karma is not blind. The system of cause and effect are not nonexistent. What other people do to you will be returned to them tenfold one day. It's only a matter of time. 

Why start gossip and drama when we can all live in harmony and peace? Why trigger unnecessary problems with others ?


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