Wasted Talents

Everyone spends a ton of money to get through college if they are not lucky enough to get grants, scholarships, or some kind of federal aids, right? In this era and society, it's drilled into everyone's heads that if you don't get a degree you won't be able to land a good job. It is also drilled into everyone's head that there are bachelor degrees on every street corner. You need to get an MBA to even get considered for a good office job causing a lot of young people to drop further into the wormhole of debt. Also, causing a lot of high school grads to turn to options like trade schools instead of four year colleges and universities. 

In school, advisors and professors make it seem getting an internship is a piece of cake...finding a job related to your field as long as you have a minor to accompany your major would be much easier and less of a pain. However, that is not the reality. If you don't know someone in a company, you won't be able to land a job in that company that you had on for so long unless luck is on your side. 

Lately, I have been in a rut about this and so have a lot of friends of mine that went to college and are unable to land a job related to their fields. A lot of college grads end up back in retail because the higher you move in retail the better you get paid but the more nonsense you have to put up with. The amount of college grads that end up in those situations is crazy. It really makes you wonder.

It makes you wonder why you went to school all those years and spent all that money? Why do companies and firms set standards so high when hiring for entry level positions, demanding a certain amount of years of experience doing certain things? How are fresh college grads able to get the experience these places want if you don't give them a chance? Let fresh blood into the company, let them mess up, let them learn to clean up and learn from mistakes. Everyone started there at one point right? Regardless if companies are trying to save money by hiring temps instead of permanent workers or if they just does want people who don't have the qualities and experience they seek--college grads are never going to be able to land a job in their fields easily. 

I have friends that majored in respectable fields like neuroscience, friends that followed their hearts and majored in graphic design, fashion design, english, art, engineering, film, communications, and etc. They did nothing wrong. They just followed their hearts and passion and studied what they love and yet they are stuck in jobs that they despise and lifestyles that are not what they ever wanted. They are still hopeful that one day they could possibly land a job in their field of work. 

There is so much wasted talent everywhere you turn nowadays. Top of the class college grads ending up in shift jobs, retail, and so forth. When they are capable of so much more, amazing art talents, creative talents, intelligence and it's all wasting away slowly. It's a tragedy. 

It's unjust and I would like to say a test of life for most of us. But is it really and how long is this to last before we find that job that we always wanted? 


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