Wise Words

Would your 8 year old self be proud of you right now? When we were children- we fantasied what and who we would be ten years in the future more than likely. When we see a television show that shows a cowboy that is righteous or saves lives and rid the world of evil- we think that's who we want to be. When we see a doctor, nurse, or lawyer and see the amazing things they do- our desires get swayed again and we tell ourselves that we must do good in school so we could like them one day. Yet, things never go as we plan unfortunately unless you were born in a rich and well off family that offered you that luxury of having things your way or making it through college for the most part. I don't know about you folks but my 8 year old self is cursing the daylights out of right now if that was possible. 

But did you ever think that you would possibly find yourself stuck in retail work after four years of college ... probably not right? Retail is probably the brutalist field of work for people to go into. If it's just a temporary thing or you do it because your about to retired and bored or do it because you need a side job in school, then that's probably not too bad and it doesn't eat you alive. However, if you are a college grad or someone far done with schooling, and hoping to make a career out of retail industry...that is probably not the smartest idea. 

I've been in retail for about 6 years in total. I can tell you retail is roughest - rougher than factory work because at least in factory work you don't have to deal with customers who are jerks and douche bags giving you nasty attitudes. Or dealing with corporate who doesn't really give a crap about you and only wants to see results. 

I went to college got a degree that wasn't of much use and ended up in retail. I never gave up on looking for jobs related to my field but there were no replies and it reached the point where you don't give up but you get tired from trying. I decided to move up in the chain of command in retail and landed a managerial position in the store which took about a year to do so. As managers regardless if it's of a department or a store level manager- we are required to work a minimum of 50 hours a week. No overtime pay, no holiday pay or much special treatment other than having the title and the word of law.

Moreover, dealing with customers who treat you like crap, talk to you like you are illiterate and dumb. They all believe they are privileged to be respected and you are to do everything they tell you to. We are human beings...only you managed to not work in retail and we did. There are college grads and people smarter than you think working in these retail positions. What makes you think- you as a consumer have a right to undermine them? If you want to be respected, then respect those serving you too. It works both ways. 

Over the years in retail, I destroyed my body, my health, my state of mind over and over. Picture a bulldozer running over your body every single day consistently. Ruined my shoulder muscle, ruined my stomach health, ruined my back, and the list goes on to much more serious conditions but because I cared too much about my job and the team. Never took breaks or kept hydrated. I never felt my body's breakdown or pain when I first started but as I got older everything just amplified. And never once was that appreciated or thanked for by anyone. 

Recently, I learned the store manager that I was working under had turned in his two weeks. It was sudden and unexpected. He gave the few managers that were in the small cubicle with him a small update. He said he's tired of the company, tired of not being appreciated for all the work he's done for the company, all the time, energy, and passion he gave to the job. He reached the point where he has to start thinking about his life, his family and what they needed. No one will mourn for any of us if we were to pass out at work. No one would care. They don't want to hear explanations, they don't want to hear reasoning or excuses. They put you where they want to put you and that's it. The question for right here is-- for what? Why destroy yourself over this job? 

That little speech hit home for me. I was sitting super close to him and could see his water glisten in his eyes from the reality - or because he finally took that step. I will never know. What I do know is-- he is absolutely right. 

So would my 8 year old self be happy with where I am today? No. If I could go back, I would have probably studied something that could give me a better chance at finding a job related to my field. How ironic and sad is it not? 


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