Corona Virus Has Brought Out The Worst In Us

Hello, everyone. Some of you are probably surprised my blog is still alive, haha. I will be posting a blog post to explain why I disappeared shortly after this post so there's that to look forward to for you guys and myself. 

On to the main topic of this post: the corona virus and how I feel it has been blown out of proportion by nothing more but our own fears and greed. Fear is everyone's biggest enemy in life and it doesn't take a lot for fear latch onto us and grow roots. It could be as simple as a shooting in a nearby city or state. It could be triggered by childhood memories. Once fear sets into us, we tend to blow it out of proportion as much as we hate to admit it. 

We fear what we cannot control but we will never admit it. Everyone is afraid of war, afraid of change, afraid of dying, afraid of global warming, afraid of diseases, afraid of others’ opinions, afraid of being a failure, afraid of not getting their paychecks, afraid of government shutdowns, afraid of the stock market going down, the list never ends. When fear sets in, it makes people do stupid things and their defenses shoot up to unreasonable levels. It makes everyone lose all their common sense and everyone’s IQ falls to zero. 

And because of this people choose to do unbelievably stupid things. 

A few days ago, We went to a supermarket to get a single travel size bottle of sanitizer for my boyfriend to be safe. Just one. However, we scoured the entire area of where the soaps and hygiene stuff was and found nothing. At first, we both thought that we were missing it somehow but it made no sense that we could. As we were about to give up, I looked up to the empty top shelf above the hand soaps and thought: it can’t be. I looked over to the tag and it was where sanitizer should be. We searched for Clorox/Lysol disinfecting wipes and yet came up empty handed. If I was a clueless person who didn't know about the virus, I would have just assumed all the sanitizers had a mass recall.

People have been massively buying all the sanitizers at every single store that has it. I mean there are videos on youtube of how shocked people are to see sanitizers all cleared out from places like Costco, Bath and Body Works, and all gocery stores. Something that usually sells at a minimum level spiked out of control leaving retailers caught off guard. In some countries such as Australia, people are buying all the condoms to put over their fingers to avoid catching the virus. It's ridiculous and funny.

CDC keeps on repeating this on a daily basis to wash your hands at least 20 seconds whenever possible and to stop touching your face but amazingly no one listens. Instead, people are buying up everything that they think should protect them from the virus such as face masks, sanitizers, and etc. Some have gone as far as refusing to eat Chinese foods and now I heard they're blaming Corona beer too? What does that have to do anything?! How stupid are people? I get everyone is freaked out and living in fear but it's gotten blown out of control on pure fear. 

On top of that, the media only reports on deaths and new cases around the world but they don't report on those that are surviving, those that have quarantined themselves inside their houses and treat themselves. Those are the true fighters and the logical ones but of course they don't get mentioned for whatever reason. The most laughable piece of news I read was someone who was suspected to have the virus was isolated for a few hours and then released when no symptoms appeared. They then spent two hours walking around a mall. How many people did that individual infect? 

My own thoughts were people are really stocking up on these cleaning supplies to keep their loved ones safe and use it for themselves until my boyfriend reminded me of the greed of humanity. We looked on eBay and saw sanitizer going for triple the prices they usually went for. Every brand of sanitizer you could think of was on eBay including Bath and Body Works ones. I couldn't believe my eyes. People weren't buying to stock up for their own needs. They were buying to resell for a much higher price. People were profiting off the virus! Anything to earn a buck! Who the heck tries to profit off a highly contagious virus in chaotic times like this? Shouldn't we be banding together to work together and pass out sanitizers to those who could or could not afford sanitizers and etc.? People sicken me. The worst type of people are those who make money off other people's struggles and illnesses. What if there's someone out there who needs that sanitizer more than you? Yet, you won't give it for free or sell for a cheaper price? 

The greed of humanity never ceases to amaze me. I just choose to look away from it on daily basis because I don't want to think of how terrible people are. 

The other thing is something that had happened to me literally yesterday at work. I was walking with a customer to show her to the stuff she wanted and she made the unruly comment of: 'oh dear, that customer just coughed on me. Jesus christ, I knew I shouldn't have come out.' I just looked at her indifferently and smiled politely. The customer that coughed on her wasn't even asian. I am just baffled at what the society has come to. It's hilarious and also disheartening. I've seen cases on the news about asians being beat up at colleges and everywhere for being the nationality they are and telling them to take their virus back to where they came from. That's racism at its finest and it will keep getting more out of hand. That's unnecessary and sickening. 

War, viruses, pandemics, and natural disasters all bring out the worst in people. It can also bring out the good in people. There's always those two groups of people that stand in opposition to each other during these hard times. On a spiritual level, I want to say that this is a test by higher powers to see if we as people are selfless and have a bigger heart to accept and help those in need of help during these times regardless of circumstances and differences. However, I feel I've only seen people being selfish and racist. 

When will we ever learn from history, past mistakes, and get over our own ego?


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