Coffee Talk: What Advice Would You Give Your 23-Year-Old Self?

Coffee Talk: What Advice Would You Give Your 23-Year-Old Self?
Stop being so indecisive !!!!
I just turned 24 like a month and a half ago. The questions you asked are some things I have been asking myself since I was 14. I had to grow up fast, and my mother challenged me to think ahead a lot. 23 was an age where I was struggling to keep myself from drowning. I had so many degree changes in college because I wanted to get a job as soon as I was done with school; however, I realized the answer was always right in front of me. I had a gift since I was a child for writing and reading so why deny it? Because English majors have a hard time finding jobs? However, I decided to buckle down and do it because it's my passion and despite my fear of speaking in from of others, I planned to go into PR or college teaching. So, 23 was a time of indecisiveness and hunt for my true self and goal.
What about you guys? What advice would you give your 23 year old self?

Location:N Lincoln Ave,Chicago,United States


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